Conference Papers
Marcello Barbieri- Introduction to Code Biology
Han-liang Chang- The Coding of Nature and Art
Diego Gonzalez- A Mathematical Model of the Genetic Code
Simone Giannerini- Dichotomic classes in coding sequences
Gérard Battail- Life as interplay of information and matter
Morten Tønnessen- Codes and interpretation in perception
Wanderley dos Santos- Carrying Pieces of Information in Orgocatalytic Bytes
Mario Giampietro- What is life 2.0
Joachim De Beule- Sketch for a Theory of Evolution based on Coding
Peter Wills- The emergence of coding specificity at the dawn of life
Jean-Luc Jestin- From genetic coding to protein structure prediction
João Carlos Major- Are ‘Archetypes’ Biological Codes
Jannie Hofmeyr- On Formal Representations of Organic Codes